Is life one big adventure to you? Do you find yourself embittered by women who seem to constantly leave you? Is motivation to find a career or job lacking or impossible to attain? Do you look up to people who lack moral? Do you find yourself creating toxic nemeses? Women, can you not help falling in love with the guys who lack a future?
Then you may find yourself with Peter Pan syndrome. This is a psychological condition based on the story of Peter Pan, the boy who wouldn't grow up. The premise of this story is that Peter lives for big adventures, which await for him in Neverland. One night Peter was caught listening to Wendy's bedtime story but Peter convinces Wendy to come along with him to Neverland. Peter, Wendy, and his gang called The Lost Boys go and have fun adventures until Peter's nemesis captain Hook attack them. They survived and fled. As Peter Pan recovers from his injuries from the attack, Wendy and the Lost Boys are kidnapped so he goes and saves them from Hook. After this fiasco, Wendy decides that her home is where she belongs and Peter Pan is left bitter until he finds his next "Wendy" that will turn out to be Wendy's daughter. This will remain a never ending cycle of replacing each generation's daughter after they grow up.

How this story is interpreted to real life is that Peter Pan is the immortal spirit of the inner child who is looking for excitement and not "adult" matters like taxes and folding laundry. Where the exciting adventures takes place is in Neverland, which is a place that doesn't exist. It's where a person who has Peter Pan syndrome lives. In the mind, away from reality. This is the guy who talks all about writing and how his writing is going to pay the bills and make him famous but never executes because it's all about the excitement and not the responsibility. This leads him to live in an environment where proper functioning can't exist, in Neverland.
The Lost Boys are misfits who don't know or what to do with themselves. They are desperate to find someone to give them hope and a sense of worth so they feed off of the excitement of the Peter Pan spirit.
Wendy is the girl who constantly dates loser after loser. She can't seem to get a grip of the reality of the men she is attracted to. Always stuck in the honeymoon faze, like an addict. She will never face the truth only until the rose colored glasses are taken off.
How does one crush their inner Peter Pan? To stop living a life of constant suffering and mystery and create one in which constitutes purpose and order. To dissolve this persona and become a true man or women one must embody character.
What is character you might ask? Character is the values you make that are based about things that can internally controlled, which are also fulfilling to ones life and benefits others. For example, a value that can categorized under good character is to be responsible. Responsibility allows one to effectively complete tasks so your well being can be kept well. So when those taxes have to be taken care of and those sheets need to be folded you can sleep well in your clean sheets knowing you avoided breaking the law.
What values don't fall under good character? Values you can not control and/or has a negative impact on your own and other's well being. For example, one value that doesn't fall under good character is seeking thrill. Thrill seeking is when one pursues dangerous situations to feel a rush of adrenaline. The feeling is momentary and can lead to undesirable consequences, which is what makes it exciting. The exciting part is that God let you slide with that one case but the excitement will catch up to you. It's karmatic and sinful. Peter Pan lived a life of thrills and excitement. That also lead him to becoming injured and his friends kidnapped from captain Hook. Peter never learned his lesson and will always have the mind of a child. It's what kept him from growing up.
It can be hard to understand how to point out and change out your own values since many are subconscious. A great way to catalyze your development of character is through becoming a great leader. To be a good leader you have to know a lot about yourself, the people around you, and how to act in different situations. It can be extremely difficult but it can also create many eureka moments for yourself and your values. Becoming a leader puts you on the spot and you can be criticized. Criticism can be hard to bear but it is also a powerful tool that can decide to use effectively or ignore.

What we have learned from this is that manliness has almost nothing to do with looks. That model in the ad or department store could in real life be chasing fame and would make him no better than a breast fed baby. Being a man has much more to do with the way you can act, think, and influence others than it has to do with the medias obsession with being young, beautiful, and powerful. Don't buy into that notion. It will only leave you helpless, unattractive, and in a constant state of suffering. The best thing to do is buy into the notion of self-improvement, showing others the way, and accepting who you are.