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An authentic resource on men's lifestyle and development
Why did I start this blog?
There is an identity crises within men across the globe who are confused with what their role is in society. This movement is best described by the author Mark Manson in the book, Models,
"(This) one is a greater social and emotional movement in western culture. There's a call for a new masculinity that's been lacking for generations now. There's been a void of what men are, what they're supposed to be, how they're supposed to behave, and until no one has moved to fill that void."
Millions of men are looking for guidance in how to act, what to believe in, and in how to seek fulfillment of the 'void.' I don't believe in looking outward for fulfillment but to truly be able to look inwards and fully understand what it means to be your true self, one must take the path of questioning their own reality. It is a difficult and long process but it will be much easier and faster when role models are available to expel the false narrative and shed light to the truth. This is where my mere blog comes in. I am by no means fulfilling this ultimate void but, with hope, I will lead others in the right direction to solve these deep problems.
Who am I?
I'm Tim and I'm from the Quad Cities in Iowa. Currently, I am a senior at Iowa State University and majoring in fashion design. I also know how to cut hair and embarrass myself in front of more women than you could count. Trust me, I'm an expert in both areas.
Enough about me, I want to hear from you. Go to my contact information, shoot me an email, and tell me about yourself. I'm here to listen and help.

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